Google EMEA Travel and Conference Grants

As part of Google's ongoing commitment to encouraging women to excel in computing and technology, we are pleased to offer Google EMEA Travel and Conference Grants to encourage more female computer scientists to attend and participate in conferences.

Award winners will be chosen from the applicant pool to receive:
  • Free registration for the conference
  • Up to 1000 EUR towards travel costs (to be paid after the conference).
To be eligible for a conference grant candidates must:
  • Be a female working in or studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or technical field related to the conference subject
  • Have a strong academic background with demonstrated leadership ability
  • Attend the core day(s) of the main conference (17th and 18th of May)
How To Apply:

To apply, by the indicated deadline (16th of April), please submit this form including your attached CV/resume (500kB max).

To read more on our GeeCON's campaign to encourage women to excel in the IT you can head out to our blog or directly to the entry about this year's girls@geecon promotion.

Organizers & Key partners
