Piotr Gabryanczyk



Piotr has been a software engineer for over 14 years. He is a Scala practitioner and Akka contributor. He recently re-wrote the akka-camel module to support Akka 2. Piotr helped organisations such as Bank of America, JP Morgan, Barclays Capital to build their distributed systems. He is currently shaping the future of TV at Zeebox. For more information about Piotr check out his blog at http://blog.scala4java.com or follow him on twitter @piotrga.


Scala, Akka and Camel => scalable and simple

Akka is a new "hot" library, which provides the actor model - an alternative for the traditional java concurrency model based on threads, locks and shared memory. Together with, well known enterprise integration library, Apache Camel, they make writing distributed concurrent systems much simpler. I've been working on migration of Akka-Camel module to Akka 2.x, and will share my experiences and show how Apache Camel library plays nicely with the newest version of Akka 2.x. The presentation will be full of examples and will contain a short demo of Akka and Camel integration.

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